Dr. M. R. NarayanRao
Dr. M. R. NarayanRao is a renowned Consulting Physician & Preventive Cardiologist from Mumbai. After practicing for over 20 years as a Preventive Cardiologist, he founded Indian Institute of Research in Detoxification in 2007 to work towards a more holistic ailment preventive methods.
He is against Angiography / Angioplasty / Bypass Surgery as these surgical treatments are not an answer to cardiac issues. In these surgeries doctors only push a coronary blockage further or change the blood flow. The real disease is not treated at all and lying dormant in the body as the real cause of the disease not treated. Dr. M. R. NarayanRao with his Vedic wisdom and Modern medical knowledge treats these conditions so that the blockages are dissolved in situ and blood flow is increased and the heart is energized.
Hundreds of patients have been saved from going under the knife and are living happily and leading a normal healthy life.
He specializes in blending the Modern medical science with the Vedic medicine to develop harmless Medical advice.
Hydraulic Power Detoxification is his niche research which has helped people combat the constant attack of toxins on our body. Dr. M. R. NarayanRao has developed this complete detoxification and Rejuvenation workshop, which helps to treat most known and unknown diseases.